UPDATE:multumesc Anei pentru traducere!Esti o scumpa!
Buna dimineata!Mihaela a fost (si este) tare dulce si mi-a oferit acest premiu:Good morning! Mihaela was (and she is ) so hard sweet and gave me this award:
Multumesc !Este o mare bucurie ca se gandeste cineva la mine!Trebuie sa scriu 7 lucruri despre mine :
Thanks!Is a great joy to find that someone is thinking of me!I have t to write 7 things about me:
1.in adolescenta am avut mari probleme cu glanda tiroida
2.anul acesta implinim 5 ani de la casatorie (si parca au trecut 50)
3.eram mare fana a revistei Diva (pacat ca a disparut!)
4.am obiceiul sa mananc in fiecare seara un iaurt cu fructe (recomand Muller Frop)
5.am fost blonda naturala si apoi roscata si ....acum bruneta
6.sunt dependenta de o pastila de Eutyrox /in fiecare dimineata /pentru tot restul vietii
7.am pariat multi ani la pariuri sportive
1.In my teenage years I had big problems with my thyroid gland
2. This year we celebrate 5 years of marriage (and it feels like 50 years have gone by)
3.I was a big fan of Diva magazine (pity that it disappeared)
4.I have the habit to eat a yogurt with fruit (I recommend Muller Frop ) every evening
5.I was a natural blonde, then a redhead.... now I am a brunette
6.I am dependent on a Eutyrox pill/ every morning/for the rest of my life
7.I have been many years active in sports betting
Premiez pe oricine doreste acest premiu!
O zi frumoasa!
Buna dimineata!Mihaela a fost (si este) tare dulce si mi-a oferit acest premiu:Good morning! Mihaela was (and she is ) so hard sweet and gave me this award:
Multumesc !Este o mare bucurie ca se gandeste cineva la mine!Trebuie sa scriu 7 lucruri despre mine :
Thanks!Is a great joy to find that someone is thinking of me!I have t to write 7 things about me:
1.in adolescenta am avut mari probleme cu glanda tiroida
2.anul acesta implinim 5 ani de la casatorie (si parca au trecut 50)
3.eram mare fana a revistei Diva (pacat ca a disparut!)
4.am obiceiul sa mananc in fiecare seara un iaurt cu fructe (recomand Muller Frop)
5.am fost blonda naturala si apoi roscata si ....acum bruneta
6.sunt dependenta de o pastila de Eutyrox /in fiecare dimineata /pentru tot restul vietii
7.am pariat multi ani la pariuri sportive
1.In my teenage years I had big problems with my thyroid gland
2. This year we celebrate 5 years of marriage (and it feels like 50 years have gone by)
3.I was a big fan of Diva magazine (pity that it disappeared)
4.I have the habit to eat a yogurt with fruit (I recommend Muller Frop ) every evening
5.I was a natural blonde, then a redhead.... now I am a brunette
6.I am dependent on a Eutyrox pill/ every morning/for the rest of my life
7.I have been many years active in sports betting
Premiez pe oricine doreste acest premiu!
O zi frumoasa!
Da? Chiar pariai? Probabil ca si castigai...
RăspundețiȘtergerela pariuri sportive m-am bagat numai de vreo 2-3 ori acum doi ani, la campionatul mondial de fotbal :)) ma bazam pe caracatita paul :))
RăspundețiȘtergereMi-o aduc aminte pe caracatita Paul!Parca a murit!Un sfarsit de saptamana frumos!
ȘtergereBuna!Am pariat 6 ani.Am castigat de multe ori pe specialitatea mea :tenisul de camp.
RăspundețiȘtergereIti doresc multi ani fericiti alaturi de familia ta!!!pupici